No.5 Kids Second Prize

Alio vs Ario

Goshin Nakashiro (Digital Pocket)(Japan)


This is a digital picture book made with programming language Viscuit.
This is a story about an ant living in an ordinary house, that goes shopping and encounters ario, and battles. Who is going to win?

Prize Comment

Thank you so much for choosing “Alio vis Ario”.
The character “Alio”, a character that I made, is a teacher in Hokkaido, who is strong in mechanics. “Alio vs Ario” is about a story where Alio goes shopping to a supermarket on Sunday to buy a mirror, and encounters Ario and battles with him. The highlight is the battle between Alio and Ario. I paid much attention to the background illustration inside the house, and drew the triangles to express the depth of the house. I also wanted to make the forest as complicated like a maize, so I created traps and gizmos. I tried to make it funny, so I hope you will have a good laugh.
Goshin Nakashiro

Comment by Juror

This is a free and spontaneous story about an ant. I was attracted to the repetitive simple movements, which created an idyllic expression. I was also impressed by the narration that navigated the story. There were many traps like the maize and pitfalls, and I could tell that the writer incorporated many elements that he thought was funny. I can just picture the writer being engaged in creating the moving pictures and thinking about the story.
Kiyoko Matsuoka (Itabashi Art Museum Vice Director)