Announcement of the result of Digital Ehon Award No.3


  • Information
Thank you for coming to the ceremony of Digital Ehon Award. And congratulation to the winners of the award again! Now, we’re making the web page of the winners and mentions, We note the list here before opening the page.

Work Division

the Grand Prize

“Nott Won’t Sleep” Developlay(Holland)

the Secoud Prize

“Kiri Ehon -shinkai sanpo-(Paper Cut Book -walking in the deep sea -)”
Yuki Ishikawa(Jyoshibi University of Art and Design)(Japan)

Special Prize by jurors

“Marina and the light” DADA Company(Spain)
“MIXIMAL” Yatatoy(Finland)
“OverColor” PopAppFactory(Ukraine)


“AR Magical Book Peter Pan” Dai Nippon Printing Co., Ltd.
“Darenimo Ienai Semi no Himitsu(The Secret of the Cicada That Can’t Tell Anybody)” Takahiro Koga(Japan)
“Endless Reader” Originator(America)
“Foldify” Pixle(Poland)
“Four Little Corners” DADA Company(Spain)
“Graffy” PPP(Japan)
“Kororiron” Michika(Jyoshibi University of Art and Design)
“Love, the app” NINO Studio(Argentina)
“Mini-U:Riddles” PopAppFactory(Ukraine)
“PaPaZoo ABC SONG BOOK” Burning Publishers(Japan)
“PlayTales Gold”PlayTales(Spain)
“Red In Bed” Josh On(America)
“Sago Mini Doodlecast” Sago Sago(Canada)
“Tiggly Shapes” Tiggly(America)
“Tomato Alien” Midorikko Club(Japan)

Planning Division

the Second Prize

“Iro Sagashi Ehon(Color-serching book)” Ayaka Imaki(Japan)

Special Prize by Jurors

“Rojyo Ehon(Street Book)” Neji Sato(Japan)

This time, we had a lot of applications beyond our imagination. There are over 300 entries from 19 countries, that is largest ever!

Therefore, we make a new prize as “Mention” for the purpose of introducing great works from several countries, companies, people, and children.

Once again, thank you for participating the Digital Ehon Award.

We are very grateful to every participants for applying the award.

– Digital Ehon Award Secretarist